June 7, 2016: Interview on the Joe Show, "Theatrical Protest", KBAI

[audio mp3="http://lmbogad.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/6-7-16-Bogad-on-Joe-Show-theatrical-protest.mp3"][/audio]

L.M. Bogad

Bogad writes, performs, and strategizes with mischievous artists such as the Yes Men, Agit-Pop, and La Pocha Nostra. He is a veteran of the Lincoln Center Theatre Director’s Laboratory, and a co-founder of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.


10 June 2016: Interview on Wade Rathke's "Wade's World"


Performance at Fort Mason Chapel with La Pocha Nostra, of "The Panopticock" with Jadelynn Stahl, and a new "Corporate Sponsorship" monologue by Bogad