My work featured in this episode of Stepping Up Podcast, "Clowning Around," Nov. 7, 2017

It was a blast to be interviewed by Claire Schoen for her wonderful podcast, "Stepping Up," which is all about climate change activism in its many forms. Episode 3, "Clowning Around," she joined me for some street theatre and then had me over to her studio for an interview. You can find the interview sound file here, or on her "Stepping Up" podcast on iTunes.

L.M. Bogad

Bogad writes, performs, and strategizes with mischievous artists such as the Yes Men, Agit-Pop, and La Pocha Nostra. He is a veteran of the Lincoln Center Theatre Director’s Laboratory, and a co-founder of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.


Interview on "Iconocast"


Interviewed on J.S. Soong's "Against the Grain" on KPFA, 21 June 2016