Radical Ridicule: Serious Play and the Republican National Convention

This 40 minutes documentary examines the protests against the Republican National Convention.  The city, state, and the President’s lawyers attempted to deny the right to peaceable assembly for the protesters.  How do groups like Billionaires for Bush, the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, and 1000 Coffins respond?

L.M. Bogad

Bogad writes, performs, and strategizes with mischievous artists such as the Yes Men, Agit-Pop, and La Pocha Nostra. He is a veteran of the Lincoln Center Theatre Director’s Laboratory, and a co-founder of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.


Radical Ridicule: Political Satire post-9/11


COINTELSHOW: A Patriot Act (Script)